Source code for

#----- Getting forum topics and posts

import json
import requests
from . import user
from . import exceptions
from .commons import api_iterative_data, api_iterative_simple, headers

[docs] class ForumTopic: ''' Represents a Scratch forum topic. Attributes: :.title: :.category: :.closed: :.deleted: :.post_count: :.update(): Updates the attributes ''' def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) if not hasattr(self, "_session"): self._session = None if self._session is None: self._headers = headers self._cookies = {} else: self._headers = self._session._headers self._cookies = self._session._cookies try: self._headers.pop("Cookie") except Exception: pass
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the attributes of the ForumTopic object """ topic = requests.get(f"{}").json() return self._update_from_dict(topic)
def _update_from_dict(self, topic): self.title = topic["title"] self.category = topic["category"] if topic["closed"] == 1: self.closed = True else: self.closed = False if topic["deleted"] == 1: self.deleted = True else: self.deleted = False self.post_count = topic["post_count"]
[docs] def activity(self): """ Returns: list<dict>: A list that contains the history of the forum topic (changes of topic title etc.) """ return requests.get(f"{}").json()
[docs] def posts(self, *, page=0, order="oldest"): """ Args: page (int): The page of the forum topic that should be returned. order (str): Specifies the order of the returned posts. "newest" means the first returned post is the newest one, "oldest" means it is the oldest one. Returns: list<>: A list containing the posts from the specified page of the forum topic """ data = requests.get(f"{}/{page}?o={order}").json() return_data = [] for o in data: a = ForumPost(id = o["id"], _session = self._session) a._update_from_dict(o) return_data.append(a) return return_data
[docs] def first_post(self): """ Returns: An object representing the first topic post """ o = requests.get(f"{}/0?o=oldest").json()[0] a = ForumPost(id = o["id"], _session = self._session) a._update_from_dict(o) return a
[docs] class ForumPost: ''' Represents a Scratch forum post. Attributes: The name of the user who created this post :.posted: The date the post was made :.edited: The date of the most recent post edit. If the post wasn't edited this is None :.edited_by: The name of the user who made the most recent edit. If the post wasn't edited this is None :.deleted: Whether the post was deleted :.html_content: Returns the content as HTML :.bb_content: Returns the content as BBCode :.topic_id: The id of the topic the post is in :.topic_name: The name of the topic the post is in :.topic_category: The name of the category the post topic is in :.update(): Updates the attributes ''' def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) if not hasattr(self, "_session"): self._session = None if self._session is None: self._headers = headers self._cookies = {} else: self._headers = self._session._headers self._cookies = self._session._cookies
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the attributes of the ForumPost object """ post = requests.get(f"{}").json() return self._update_from_dict(post)
def _update_from_dict(self, post): = post["username"] self.posted = post["time"]["posted"] self.edited = post["time"]["edited"] self.edited_by = post["editor"] if post["deleted"] == 1: self.deleted = True else: self.deleted = False self.html_content = post["content"]["html"] self.bb_content = post["content"]["bb"] self.topic_id = post["topic"]["id"] self.topic_name = post["topic"]["title"] self.topic_category = post["topic"]["category"]
[docs] def get_topic(self): """ Returns: An object representing the forum topic this post is in. """ t = ForumTopic(id = self.topic_id, _session = self._session) t.update() return t
[docs] def ocular_reactions(self): return requests.get(f"{}").json()
[docs] def get_author(self): """ Returns: scratchattach.user.User: An object representing the user who created this forum post. """ u = user.User(, _session = self._session) u.update() return u
[docs] def edit(self, new_content): """ Changes the content of the forum post. You can only use this function if this object was created using :meth:`scratchattach.session.Session.connect_post` or through another method that requires authentication. You must own the forum post. Args: new_content (str): The text that the forum post will be set to. """ cookies = self._cookies cookies["accept"] = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9" cookies["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" r = f"{}/edit/", headers = { "accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "accept-language": "de,en;q=0.9", "cache-control": "max-age=0", "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "sec-ch-ua": "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"101\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"101\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"", "sec-fetch-dest": "document", "sec-fetch-mode": "navigate", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "sec-fetch-user": "?1", "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1", "Referer": f"{}/edit/", "x-csrftoken": "a" }, cookies = cookies, json = f"csrfmiddlewaretoken=a&body={new_content}&" )
[docs] def get_topic(topic_id): """ Gets a forum topic without logging in. Args: topic_id (int): ID of the requested forum topic Returns: An object representing the requested forum topic Warning: Any methods that require authentication will not work on the returned object. If you want to use methods that require authentication, create the object with :meth:`scratchattach.session.Session.connect_topic` instead. """ try: topic = ForumTopic(id=int(topic_id)) topic.update() return topic except KeyError: return None
[docs] def get_topic_list(category_name, *, page=0, include_deleted=False): """ Gets the topics from a forum category without logging in. Data fetched from ScratchDB. Args: category_name (str): Name of the forum category Keyword Arguments: page (str): Page of the category topics that should be returned include_deleted (boolean): Whether deleted topics should be returned too Returns: list<>: A list containing the forum topics from the specified category Warning: Any methods that require authentication will not work on the returned objects. If you want to use methods that require authentication, get the forum topics with :meth:`scratchattach.session.Session.connect_topic_list` instead. """ category_name = category_name.replace(" ", "%20") if include_deleted: filter = 0 else: filter = 1 try: data = requests.get(f"{category_name}/{page}?detail=1&filter={filter}").json() return_data = [] for topic in data: t = ForumTopic(id = topic["id"]) t._update_from_dict(topic) return_data.append(t) return return_data except Exception: return None
[docs] def get_post(post_id): """ Gets a forum post without logging in. Data fetched from ScratchDB. Args: post_id (int): ID of the requested forum post Returns: An object that represents the requested forum post Warning: Any methods that require authentication (like post.edit) will not work on the returned object. If you want to use these methods, get the forum post with :meth:`scratchattach.session.Session.connect_post` instead. """ try: post = ForumPost(id=int(post_id)) post.update() return post except KeyError: return None